
编辑:上海励奥 来源:RUSTA验厂 日期: 2019-8-7 14:29:14



Information questions

1. Does the factory have a dormitory? 工厂有宿舍吗?

2. What is the monthly lowest minimum salary for regular working hours at the factory and for which job/position? 工厂给常规工作时间上班的工人支付的最低月薪是多少?哪个工种/岗位?

3. How many migrants (non local people) work in the factory in %? 在工厂上班的外地员工(非本地)的百分比?

4. No of workers - Production workers 工厂数量中一线工人数量

5. Does the factory use home workers or contracted workers? 工厂有没有使用家庭工或者劳务派遣工?

6. What is the date of birth of the youngest worker and when did he start working at the factory? 最小年龄工人的出生日期以及入厂日期?

7. Are there any young/juvenile workers (16-18 years old) employed at the factory? Review Employee list (with age info) and personal file check (ID copy) 是否有任何青/少年(16-18岁)工人被工厂雇佣?查阅花名册和人士档案确认

8. How do you calculate the wage for the worker (piece rate method/monthly/weekly/hourly 你如何计算工人的薪酬(计件工资制/月薪制/周薪制/计时制)




1、 Compensations 补偿

1.1 Facility policy towards wages: 工资政策:

1.1.1 Workers are paid directly (by cash, check or bank account controlled solely by the worker) 工厂直接给工人支付工资 (通过现金,支票或者工人单独控制的银行账户)

1.1.2 Workers are paid on a legal regular basis 定期给工人支付工资,工资支付日期不能超过工资支付周期一个月

1.1.3 Workers are provided with a pay slip in local language each time they are paid that contains details of their wage calculation 支付工资时需要给工人提供当地语言的工资条,工资条应该包括工资计算的具体构成。如果是现金支付还需工人签字确认

1.1.4 All workers, including foreign and homeworkers, receive wage premiums for overtime and work performed on weekends and holidays, as required by law 所有工人(包括外籍和在家工作的工人)按照法律规定收到平日加班以及周末和节假日加班的额外工资

1.1.5 Workers who give notice are given full and final payment at the date of resignation 工人在辞职时要收到全部的薪酬

1.2 Facility’s approach towards wage deductions: 工厂工资扣除方法:

1.2.1 All deductions to wages (for example income tax, social insurance, etc.) are legally allowed 所有的工资扣款要符合法规 (例如个人所得税,社保扣款等)

1.2.2 All deductions to wages are explained to the worker 向工人解释所有的工资扣款

1.3 Benefits:

1.3.1 Social insurance is provided (pension) 给所有工人提供社会保险

1.3.2 Work accident insurance is provided 给所有工人提供工伤险


2、 Working Hours 工作时间

2.1 Written policy on working hours:关于工作时间的书面政策:

2.1.1 Overtime hours of work are voluntary 自愿加班

2.1.2 Overtime hours of work are within legal limits 加班时间在法律规定时间内 (日加班不超过3小时,月加班不超过36小时)

2.1.3 Workers total hours of work do not exceed 60 hours per week (where total hours = regular and overtime hours) 工人每周的总工作时间不超过60小时(其中总时间=正常工作时间+加班时间)

2.1.4 Workers are guaranteed one day off in every seven (7) day period 确保工人每(七)天有一天休息, 不接受连续上班十二天首尾休息一天的形式

2.1.5 Workers are provided with breaks during working days in accordance with local law 依据当地法律在工作日为工人提供休息时间

2.2 Working time management: 工作时间管理

2.2.1 Automatic time keeping system to record hours of work 有记录工作时间的自动记时系统 (例如IC卡,指纹,脸部识别,纸卡等。不接受手工考勤)

2.2.2 Clear difference made between regular working hours and overtime in attendance record 在考勤记录中能清晰区分正常工作时间与加班时间

2.2.3 Workers are trained on the policy and procedures for hours of work and applicable legal requirements 对工人进行有关工作时间政策和程序以及适用法律规定的培训 (例如年假,法定假等)


3、Health and Safety 健康与安全

3.1 Working Environment 工作环境

3.1.1 The light intensity is minimum 240 lux in production areas 生产区域的光照强度不低于240lux

3.1.2 Indoor air quality is free of obvious pollution 室内空气质量没有明显污染

3.1.3 Toilets are kept clean and odour free 厕所要保持干净并且无异味

3.1.4 Soap is provided free of charge 洗手池可使用,免费提供肥皂纸巾等日用品

3.2 Emergency Planning and Fire Safety: 应急计划和消防安全

3.2.1 All new employees are trained on emergency procedures (and all existing employees receive periodic refresher training) 所有新进员工接受应急预案的培训(所有老员工定期接受复训)消防演习以及灭火器使用培训需要覆盖所有员工并且至少一年一次

3.2.2 A Fire alarm (audible and visual) is kept maintained and fully functional 良好维护且有效运行的声光消防警铃

3.2.3 Fire extinguishers are of the type and quantity suitable for the fire hazards 灭火器的种类和数量需符合火灾风险

3.2.4 Fire extinguishers are unblocked 确保所有的消防设施无堵塞 (灭火器,消防栓,警铃等)

3.2.5 All fire extinguishers are checked periodically and serviced when needed 所有的灭火器(所有的消防设施)定期检查并且在需要时保养

3.2.6 Aisles are clearly marked with emergency exit routes and maintained clear of obstructions 疏散通道标示应急出口指示箭头并且畅通无阻

3.2.7 Emergency light exists and are fully functional 在应急出口以及疏散楼道安装应急灯并且功能良好

3.3 Physical Hazards: 物理危害

3.3.1 Workers are trained on potential risks of the machines/tools they use at their work station 对工人在工作岗位使用的机器/工具的潜在风险进行培训

3.3.2 Safety analysis have been conducted and documented to determine job-specific hazards and necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) for all operations 为了确定工作特定危险和所有操作的必要的劳保用品(PPE)进行安全分析,现场在需要佩戴劳保用品的岗位张贴劳保用品标识

3.3.3 Training on reason why to use PPE and safety procedures are conducted for all employees, with periodic refresher training 培训所有员工关于为何使用劳保用品和安全规程并定期复训

3.3.4 PPE is used where required 确保相关工人佩戴劳保用品

3.3.5 There is a policy for pregnant employees and maternity leave 有关于员工怀孕和产育假的政策。

3.3.6 Records of injuries and accidents are kept 保存工伤记录

3.3.7 All machines with a pinching, puncturing or cutting risk (which can result in a permanent injury) have properly functioning safety guards, safety controls and/or emergency stop. 所有可能造成永久伤害的冲压,穿孔,切割机器需要有合适的功能良好的安全防护,安全控制/或者急停装置。

3.3.8 Periodic safety checks are conducted to ensure that all safety guards and emergency stops are properly functioning 对机器定期检查以确保所有的安全防护装置和急停装置功能良好。

3.3.9 First aid and eye washing stations (when applicable) are available, visible, accessible and re-stocked. 提供急救药箱以及洗眼器(如适用),位置明显,方便使用并且不断补充。 确保药箱药品不过期

3.3.10 Occupational health and safety examinations for the staff are conducted in accordance with local law 按照当地法规给工人提供职业健康安全检查

3.4 Chemical Hazards: 化学危害

3.4.1 Periodic safety checks are conducted to ensure proper handling and storage of hazardous chemicals. 进行安全例行检查确保化学品存放和使用安全。

3.4.2 All chemicals are properly labelled. 化学品粘贴正确的化学品标签

3.4.3 A chemical inventory list is maintained 保存化学品清单,需列明必要信息例如名称、主要成分、CAS编号、主要危害、存置地点、使用场所、注意事项等。

3.4.4 Updated Material safety data sheets (MSDS) are available in local language for all chemicals utilized and stored on site 在现场所有使用或储存化学品的地方张贴最新的使用当地语言的物质安全数据表(MSDS)

3.4.5 Chemicals are stored in areas protected from the weather and put in secondary containment to prevent direct exposure to the environment 化学品储存在不受天气影响的区域,并且存放在二次容器内避免暴露在环境中(防渗漏)

3.4.6 Chemical purchasing procedures exist to prevent the purchase of restricted/banned substances 有化学品采购程序,以免采购限制/禁用物质


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