伊莱克斯验厂文件清单 Electrolux验厂标准

编辑:admin 来源:上海励奥 日期: 2015-1-12 17:35:21



一、Legal licences and permits  伊莱克斯验厂-执照或许可证


1. Business license (proof of the company registration) 营业执照

2. Environmental permit/s 环保相关许可证(如环境影响评价报告,竣工验收报告等)

3. Fire safety permit/authorization 消防相关许可证/授权(如消防验收许可)

4. Sanitary permit for on-site canteen 厂区内餐厅的卫生许可证

5. Legal permits regarding on-site water treatment plants 厂区内污水处理厂的运行许可证

6. Waste disposal permit, toxic (dangerous) waste discharge permits 危险废物处理许可,排污许可证



二、Employee records  伊莱克斯验厂-人事记录


7. Personal files of all employees(with ID copies, employment contracts, application for leave etc)*

8. Time record for all employees in the last year (up to the audit date)*
   去年至审核当天所有员工的考勤纪录(需留存 12 个月,根据情况抽样查看)*

9. Payrolls for all employees in last year (up to the audit date)*
   去年至审核当天所有员工的工资表 (需留存 12 个月,根据情况抽样查看)*

10. Bank transfer for salaries payments in last 3 months* 过去三个月工资的银行转账纪录*



三、Other employment related documents  伊莱克斯验厂-其他劳动关系材料


11. Collective contract/s 集体合同 (集体合同是由公司管理层同工会或者工人代表集体协商后订立的)

12. Internal workplace rules and policies 公司政策,厂纪厂规 (厂纪厂规可以是书面形式的规定. 比如,上班时间不得饮酒)

13. Employee complaint records and/or documentation of entries in employee suggestion box 员工投诉记录,意见箱意见收集纪录

14. Units using workers from staff agencies or apprentices; Contracts signed with the staff agency or the school together with personal files, time records, proof of salary payment etc. for these workers



四、Inspection/audit reports  Electrolux验厂-检查/审核报告


15. Inspection reports from local labour authorities 劳动部门的检查报告

16. Inspection reports from health & safety and environmental authorities 安全生产部门,卫生部门或环保部门的检查报告

17. Inspection reports of special machines like fork lifts, compressors, electrical grounding systems, above and underground tanks, machine pressure test, elevators etc.

18. Sanitary inspection report of on-site canteen 厂区餐厅的卫生检查报告

19. Latest certification audits reports of ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 , SA 8000 and other relevant certificates
    最新的认证审核报告,如 ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, SA 8000 或其他

20. Fire fighting equipment inspection records (fire alarm test report, emergency lights test report)

21. Potable water permit/analysis (if required by law) 饮用水许可证/分析报告 (如有相关要求)


五、Workplace safety documents  Electrolux验厂-工作场所安全文件


22. Workplace health & safety risk assessment 工作场所健康安全风险评估

23. Safety committe meeting minutes / inspection reports in last year 过去一年安全委员会的会议记录/检查报告

24. Accident and incident records 事故及意外事件报告

25. Medical certificates proving workers are medically fit for the assigned job*
    证明员工的身体状况适合其工作岗位的体检证明* (这类文件可以由医生出具,并且只需注明该员工的健康状况是否适合分配的岗位(有何限制或 者无条件限制)。文件中不要包含例如医学分析结果之类的可能涉及到个人隐私的信息。)

26. Medical check up for the canteen workers (as required by local law)* 餐厅工作人员的体检报告*



六、Training and drill records Electrolux验厂培训和演习纪录


27. Fire drills record 火灾演习纪录

28. Fire safety training record (theoretical and practical)消防培训纪录(授课及演练纪录)

29. First aid training record 急救培训纪录

30. Certification of the first aid training provider 急救培训师的资质证明

31. Health and safety training records 健康安全培训纪录

32. Clean driving license for fork lift drivers 叉车司机的驾驶证 (无违规记录)



七、Environmental protection  伊莱克斯验厂-环境保护


33. Environmental impact and risk assessment 环境影响评价报告

34. Procedure to identify all relevant environmental legislation 相关环境法规的识别程序

35. Environmental program (policy, objectives, targets etc.) 环保程序 (环境政策,方针,目标等)

36. Measurements and reports on significant environmental impacts (like energy consumption reports etc.)
   重大环境影响的测量和报告 (比如能耗报告)

37. Measurements and reports of noise levels, air quality, light levels etc.

38. Evaluation of potential ground and/or ground water contamination from current and previous activities on site

39. Proof of environment protection competence/training of the employees actively involved in operations and procedures connected with environmental risks

40. Maintenance records/inspection records of processes and equipment linked to significant environmental risks and impacts.


八、Chemical and waste handling  伊莱克斯验厂-化学品及废物的处理


41. Full list of chemicals used devided by hazardous and non-hazardous(pointing out if any corrosive chemical)
    所有使用到的化学品的清单,并区分有害化学品和一般化学品(如果是腐蚀 性的化学品需单独指出)

42. MSDSs (material safety data sheets) for all chemicals used 所有化学品的 MSDS (物质安全数据表)

43. List of hazardous and non-hazardous waste 有害废物和一般废物的清单

44. Procedures for procurement , handling, storage and disposal of chemicals 化学品采购,操作,贮存和处理程序

45. Procedures for proper handling, storage and disposal of hazardous and non- hazardous waste

46. Proof of the authorization of companies engaged to collect hazardous and non-hazardous waste

1. All documents mentioned above are checked by the auditing team together with the unit responsible person(s).
Documents marked with * are checked on sample basis during the audit. The sample is decided by the auditing team in accordance with Electrolux Audit procedure (P01).
   以上文件在审核过程中由审核员和单位负责人共同查看。 带星号的文件为抽样查看。抽样方式根据

2. Please note the audit is considered as denied if the audit team is denied access to the documents above,if workers interviews are denied or if access to the production unit is denied.
   请注意如果在审核过程中贵单位拒绝提供以上文件材料,或者拒绝审核员进行员工访谈,进入 生产区域(无正当理由),本次审核将会被视作拒绝合作。


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